www.bjpcwx.cn-韩国V欧美V亚洲V日本V,在线免费视频,国内精品九九久久精品 ,国语自产精品视频在视频

            Shandong depu chemical industry science&technology co.,ltd
            is a tech-private enterprise established in 2007,mainly engaged in the production and sales of dimethyl carbonate(40000tons/year),mono propylene glycol(32000tons/year),propylene carbonate(50000tons/year), trichloromethyl carbonate (10000tons/year) etc.It is one of the professional chemical manufacturers with greater single set of production capacity of these product. The company has advanced equipment, perfect quality assurance system, efficient management mechanism and smooth information management network. The modern management model attract and gather many talents. The senior and middle-level professional and technical person are more than 34% of the total number of employees, college or higher education level of workers account for 73.8% of the total employees.
            The second-phase project invest 178 million RMB and include ...

            Xintai will promote the chemi...
            Xintai City, Shandong will comprehensively promote the safety management of chemical ind...
            The signing ceremony of compr...
            Recently, the Xintai municipal government and the Beijing University of Chemical Techn...
            Learning oriented enterprises...
            In the "knowledge economy", the learning ability is the core competitive power to suppor...
            ADD:No.,19 Guangming Road, Development Zone, Xintai ,Shandong Province,China
            Email:: sales@www.bjpcwx.cn
            Contact person:International Trade Department
            Contact person:International Trade Department
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